Safira Lewis
graphite, pastel and paint
triptych of 3 paintings 21cm x 15cm each
Title Genevieve In Her Room
Between when we are conceived and when we are first sexed, either before or after birth, we exist in a realm of potential where we are both male and female. This work is an exploration of Genevieve, a hypothetical and unborn ‘other half’. Influenced by the paintings of Adrian Ghenie, which often have a strong and oppressive atmosphere. His brusque treatment of oil paints creates dim and oppressive spaces for his figures to inhabit, and I want to achieve a similar visceral sensation in my work. Jang Pa juxtaposes bright colours with violent imagery that carries a strong narrative that I find moving. Her series of works entitled “The Secret Life of Plants” is autobiographical in nature, and I found the frankness with which she discusses some very disturbing subject matter inspiring in my own work. “I attempt to expose the violence of civilisation, its clinical tolerance, and estrangement between animal instincts and refined customs.” In this way, the work feels both therapeutic for the artist and revealing for the viewer.
I will continue to experiment with materials and process to explore the subject further, starting with developing the recurring motif of the limbless torso into sculpture.

“The encouragement and confidence this course has given me has been invaluable...I’ve learnt to do my thinking on paper with a pencil in hand, rather than thinking first and drawing later...I’ve become more experimental in my mark-making, and more open to taking risks with materials”