Jo Taylor-Jones

Mixed-media painting
55.8cm x 42.5cm
Title: Woman, distressed but still inhabiting space
like break on through to the other side. It's just like going through one
door; one door isn't enough, 1,000,000 doors aren't enough. You have to go
beyond one reflection, beyond the mirror, beyond beyond.” – Patti Smith 1976 As a woman with a chronic autoimmune disease, I often feel as though I am weathered and falling apart struggling to be solid and ‘normal’. Gary Spratt’s inclusion of entrances, exits and portals such as doors, windows and attics, is symbolic. Influenced by his work I produced a series of loose paintings based on a photograph which contained myself and a noticeable shadow. The contrast between the background and foreground and a limited palette of Manganese Blue and Titanium White leaves chromatic space for warmer tones. Other influences helped to shape the idea of the shadow as a legitimate entity (Lesley Bunch) and outside surfaces and textures rendered in a way that they appear to have physically been battered by time and context (Elaine Megahey). |
Using mixed media to communicate multiple ideas effectively, the work expresses several layers of meaning. The dream-like interior is both ordinary and extraordinary, a very ‘present’ shadow, and a self-portrait as if I were composed of fragments exposed to the elements outside. |

“ One key growth area throughout the course has been that of moving from literal, precise depictions, to ‘letting go’ and allowing for looseness and expressiveness. A further theme has been exploring portals and openings, as we can see in the Gorge collage, land-art photos, and mixed-media tree tunnel piece, amongst others. This, as well as figure and ground, is something I wish to continue exploring”