Janet Stadius

compressed charcoal,iInk, pastel, watercolour & collage
66cm x 41cm
Title Our World in Their Arms
The painting tells a simple story of a vulnerable world. One in which our world can be encircled, encompassed and protected by trees. Immersing the soul in the beauty and cathedral like structures encircling around me gave a reflective, tranquil feeling manifesting itself into a blessed and fortunate train of thought with optimism at the heart.
I would like to develop this further to make an art installation on a large scale within a woodland environment. In addition continue to develop my visual research and apply to the DACC.

“My Ofcad year has seen my confidence grow and has given me the courage to believe that anything is possible. To have the experiences of collage, mark making, printing and abstract work have all been new to me and has completely widened my horizons to all future artwork. The course has given me the ability to work far more expressively and on a much larger scale promoting a freedom I had never thought possible.”