Jane Irving
90cm x 100cm
Title Holding Place
Fascinated by the tactile aesthetic of cocoons in nature, I like the sensual nature of wrapping and creating a place of safety which by its nature is also temporary. “Ropes, cables, hoops, which sometimes tie up round shapes, can be a symbol of relationships between people, or of limited possibilities, or possibilities that limit what is alive. It can be illness, stress, and relations between what is alive and what is already limited by the time of its existence.” Maria Bartuszova Inspired by the white plaster form and seeming simplicity of Bartuszova’s sculptures, my process evolved organically from the simple white form of linen soaked in plaster; I wove in fabric and wool to create a more ephemeral shape; gold painted leaf shapes introduce a sense of movement outwards and reflect light; eyes added look out beyond the safety of the cocoon. Looking is the thing you can do when physically restricted, seeing possibilities beyond present constraints. I photographed the form on the beach, the vast expanse of sand, sea and sky juxtaposed with the diminutive sculpture. The sculpture with a light inside captures a sense of warmth, safety and restfulness. I would like to continue to explore sculpture and working in 3D. |